Tan Cang Newport Seafood

Enjoying Octopus

Let’s be honest -- an octopus can be a little scary to look at. Even when prepared well, seafood fans can get startled by the big suction cups. However, the biggest surprise is how delicious octopus can be when prepared by a knowledgeable

The Magic of Ceviche

Ceviche is a South American dish, generally attributed to Peru, in which fresh seafood is combined with lemons and limes to cure (or “cook”) the seafood. The seafood is also mixed with several additional ingredients like onions, tomatoes, and spices

Rice or Pasta: What Goes Best with Seafood?

A satisfying plate usually includes a protein (like seafood), a vegetable, and a starch. Generally your starch is either rice, pasta, or potato. And while there are some potato and seafood dishes, the majority of seafood plates will come with either